Master's Examinations

Specialization – 6CP (2 x 3CP)*'**

Specializations Course content Examiner
Real Estate Developement, Investment & Finance
  • Real Estate Management II
  • Project Finance
Prof. Pfnür
Real Estate Management
  • Real Estate Management I
  • Introduction to Real Estate Law
Prof. Pfnür

*If you have already examined an individual course as part of a minor or major specialization, you cannot select a specialization module with this course.

**Due to the corona pandemic, the specializations will be examined in writing until further notice

Written examinations

The specialization examinations listed below are offered as written examinations at the chair of Real Estate Management and Construction Management.

Specialization – 6CP (2 x 3CP)*

Specializations Course content Examiner
Project Management
  • Project Management I (operative management)
  • Project Management II (strategic management) held by the chair of Technology and Innovationmanagement (TIM)
Prof. Pfnür

(Prof. Kock)

*If you have already examined an individual course as part of a minor or major specialisation, you cannot select a specialisation module with this course.

Examination dates

Exam Date Begin Duration Location Supervisor
Real Estate Development, Investment & Finance 2024/03/01 16:00 – 18:30* 90min S103|104 Lachenmayer
Real Estate Management 2024/03/18 16:00 – 18:30* 90min S101|A5,
Project Management 2025/03/11 14:00 – 16:30* 90min S101|A02, S306|051, S101|A5, S202|C205, S103|223, S103|123, S103|23, S103|226, S103|113, S101|A4, S208|171 Voll
*preliminary time frame. The exact time/location will be announced one week before the exam

Examination Material

The lectures are examined based on the course content presented in the outline and the associated lecture slides. It should be noted that lecture notes guide the material covered but cannot replace attendance at the lecture or self-study. Material not covered in the courses must be studied independently using the lecture slides and, if necessary, the accompanying lecture materials.

The last lectures read, and their entire outline are always relevant for the examination.

If you have any questions about the lectures, please contact the lecturer supervisor during the lecture period.